Saturday, June 15, 2024

Time's Up.

 I'm okay with it. Actually, I'm MORE than okay with it. I've been planning it since I was 27. I thought '74 might be a good age, but I wouldn't want to go beyond it. I certainly have been experiencing diminished capacity, but I can hang on for six months. To get things straightened out, to see if I can take things far enough that they could impact the future when I'm gone.

Thursday, June 6, 2024


 Is it possible to set up terms and conditions for the multiverse our souls might migrate to after death? There is no evidence that anything like that happens. Or IS there and we've pretty much all ignored the clues?

The speculation goes something like this; heaven, hell or oblivion, where do we see ourselves going? 

Let's start by disregarding ghosts. If they happen to be seen at all, it is extremely rare enough to consider it an illusion. Do ghosts exist? It's VERY debatable. I am happy to be on the side of 'I don't know". 

Be careful with strong opinions. You've got many years ahead of you. If you can leave yourself open to change just a little, the benefits to your spiritual life can be great.

Friday, April 5, 2024



          What if I told you the future of WORLD RELIGIONS is not to be in churches or temples but in Home Gatherings? What if I said they would not be propagated by a televangelist or internet influencer but by friends in real, one-on-one, hug to hug people helping each other search for answers.
Do you find that interesting?  You will be in one, perhaps even sponsor one. When? I don't KNOW when, except to say sometime in the future. How do I know it? Because I've MEDITATED on ETERNITY. 
          Which means I've had the deep feeling from the understanding and how many things are not just LIKELY to happen, they are also destined, by TIME, to happen. Because, given enough TIME (and ETERNITY has it ALL), ALL THINGS DO HAPPEN.


        Using language is a commitment. Ten AM til noon are your best hours. The world seems clear and easy and you go about it charmingly, well, mostly. You talk. You communicate with others. Your mind feels good. You've forgotten that you were recently depressed. 
          Don't worry, it's not frightful, it's astonishing. Nobody is reading this except you. Which means everyone who reads it believes it says something different. We never truly communicate with words, We just spread common sense and folklore. It takes a COMMITMENT to LANGUAGE to get a sincerely deep message across. Go DEEP. 

          This book is an invitation to a broader intellect, both for yourself and those you know, especially of the artist community in your area. As you read, I beg your indulgence. The writing of this book took nearly two years, and much of it was written as I established Eternalism, in my personal vision, with small gatherings of people as we partied and talked and sang and drank and laughed. This was the BIRTH of ETERNALISM. 
       Hopefully it will be its first birth, meaning that it might not bloom, blossum and be a BEAUTIUFUL sunflower.


Monday, April 1, 2024

GNOSTECH's relationship to Eternalism.

 IPPA, the movies you create have a large audience globally, yet you have no English subtitles from the Japanese scripts. Gnostech can help, if your goal is to expand your viewership. 

Friday, February 16, 2024

Visions From Visionaries

 My mind goes through stages throughout the day, as well as in the hypnogogic states, shortly before and after waking up. Often as I fall asleep, I see things in front of my closed yes. Are they caused by light reflections on my eyelids? But it's a dark bedroom, with only one dimly lit lava lamp. The light I see, I'm certain, comes somewhere from within. And the light illuminates scenes, sometimes.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Creative Meditations on Eternity.


from 'Time Is Alive; the Eternalist Bible'.

I totally accept that Eternalism will not be accepted as a valid alternative religion until after my death. I just need to know that it's got a foothold, and that it stands a chance.

I can't get too much into the 'Make Mexico A State' debate, except to make this meme. Free for anyone that wants it. You saw it here first.