Saturday, June 10, 2017

Eternalist Poster Art; A form dedicated in words and image to the Eternalist Principles of knowledge and inner peace.

What happens in life, in the motion of life? Things dissolve one into another. Things, people come and go. Sometimes by choice, sometimes from an outside choice, choices of the natural world. We live in an unnatural world, by comparison. Our struggle, through our history, has been to control the natural world and to change it to suit our wants and needs. But we need to be aware of the natural world's limits, and our own, or we could destroy each other. What then?

Eternalism is about to be your first true quest; the quest for true knowledge. Because you've wanted and needed direction. It's easy to dismiss, harder to try to understand it, at least at first, but Eternalism is as simple, or as complex, as time itself.

Create your own art that tells of your personal struggles to see life more clearly. Many artists have had great visions and have shared them. Often, the art wasn't the struggle, the sharing was.

You'll create it, if it takes your lifetime. Then you'll go and share it. This is the moment you affirm that. Deeply. Purely.

#eternalism #eternalist #dennisclee #faith

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