Sunday, December 10, 2017

The two hour post - mind streams of an Eternalist. Dec. 10, 2017

What's important is the sameness of things, not the differences. Without establishing what is 'the same', there could be no difference.

I am currently writing nine books at once, each a separate volume on aspects of Eternalism. Put together, they may be considered an Eternalist 'Bible', but its significance will vary from person to person. That doesn't matter. What is more important is that it will exist.

Politics and social changes are embedded in nature. For the most part what will happen in the future  can be calculated, and for the most part these types of changes are unimportant. What is important is the struggle for knowledge of the soul. And what is the soul?

Be as good as you know good to be. What does that mean to YOU?

I keep meeting Christians who are very dedicated to their religious beliefs as their imagination dictates it. I understand and empathize with how very difficult it is to separate sections of the mind that hold some things to be true that in reality are not.

This is the common delusion that Eternalists are struggling to bring awareness to in the modern world controlled, at least religiously, by the two major theist religions; Islam and Christianity. Kept at war with each other since their beginnings, these two mindsets, (which are given to us through basically the same ancient texts) have managed to dominate countries and cultures by incorporating headquarters in the guise of temples and churches, in every community that they can.

It is NOT the fault of the believer! They have been victims of deception.

Thank you for your time and your consideration. 

My name is Dennis C. Lee, 
and I am your Eternalist.

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