The reason Tempus is above Allah and Yahweh has everything to do with the 13th Tribe. This is a tribe of artists, ALL artists really, who are not related by blood - unless you are looking all the way to our common blood out of Africa - that is the original bloodline of all humans.
All human artists have to some degree been influenced by the cultural changes that have come before - an evolution of themselves - including the creations of the theist religions of worshiping invisible deities like Islam and Christianity, which have dominated major countries for centuries.
Recently many artists are turning toward the non-theistic Eternalist representation of time called Tempus for both inspiration and direction of a spiritual mindset for what promises to be a complex future. By focusing on Tempus as an active and conscous entity, the creative mind sees the unfair life situation of existing in only one body for a very limited amount of time. And since time IS an infinate thing, it behooves the living to seek real knowledge through time to enable and control our reincarnations as future living beings.
I see evidence of this in movies, books both fiction and scientific, television series, musical themes, paintings especially the surrealists like Dali and the futurists like Boccioni and Picasso.
Soccer, Boccioni