Monday, March 30, 2020

Eternalist Thoughts For Quarantine Adjustments.

  As a species we are still experiencing evolution.

  An evolving being under restrictive circumstances can easily become anxious, ennui, nervously bored and unfocused. These are caused by a deep inner need for expansion of the species.

   Forced by circumstances into hermitage. Can we cope?

   I promise you this much; Eternalism will handle the changes better than any other religion on Earth. How? By re-inspiring you and others like you; the explorers. Because you are a seeker of true knowledge and wisdom.

Remember our three main tenets?

Let your mind go where it will go on this one. You can still be the hero of your own story.
You can shine from within yourself at home, so that once you return into the public world, you can move with a certainty of vision that will be noticed by others who share the warmth of your heart, one heart around the world.

To better ourselves. To go to the next step.

Sadly, not everyone CAN go the Eternalist route. These are finite thinkers. This is not the incarnation for them to realize eternity exists. How do I know this?

The tao symbol, fully understood, is a valuable tool of Eternalist research.

We use it to be imaginative, to pit forms of matter in opposition to one another, as in air versus water.
Or concepts, like instinct versus superstition. One is immediately drawn to say, 'But these things are NOT true opposites of each other, which may be true. But for our exploratory  purposes, they are.

We say for this experiment that 'being able to be an Eternalist' is in direct opposition to 'NOT being able to be an Eternalist'. This is to say that the nature of the able is equal to the nature of the unable, as per the yin and the yang of the tao. If I used the word 'belief' into the nature of this opposition, it would be to put 'belief' as an equal opposite to 'unbelief'.

Half of the world must say they do not 'believe' in something for the other half to say it DOES 'believe' in something.

With constant change. A thought, or idea, or concept is born of the exact opposite or 'belief' in the exact opposite of that thought, idea or concept.

For a new movement in our thinking to become a conscious concept, we must be reacting to the previous void of that concept. To bring it into being in the minds of our species. To evolve.

This is nature.

And so we live and function and create energy through the powers created by opposing forces. We can use this formula; 'X minus X minus (or XmXm), where x equals on tangable thing or concept and x minus equals ANY OTHER tangible thing or concept. An example of the top of my head would be a big screen TV (X) to the negative of an orange (X minus). We could start by looking at their functions. X for entertainment, news, excitement, relaxing, X minus for taste, nutrition, hunger, health. While X is not necessary, X minus as food is. If we try we can pick out and discover other ways in which the two are opposites, as well as where the two find one another necessary; you can't watch a big screen tv without eating food. You'd be dead of starvation, and so on,...

Always and in all ways. Because time.

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