Yet I tell you, the urge to cull a population for the sake of the herd, or in some cases the entire species, is not a stranger in the human psyche.
(The above meme art titled 'May You Live' is the first example of an app in production that I call 'Painting By Voice'. It is basically a hands-free, voice generated graphic program. We hope to have it public ready by September 2020. Stay in touch and we'll let you know.)
The culling urge may not be very conscious for the individual who is acting on its temptation. Its personification comes out as racism, jingoism (obsession with showing patriotism), conservatism, liberalism and sexism. "If there were less of you," your mind has this conversation with someone who has irritated you, "the world would be a better place."
And the mind goes a step further into what seems logical for the moment, tying them to group identities. Of course, sex, money and prestige play a part as well.
So, should we FIGHT our culling urges, or should we INVESTIGATE them instead? To acknowledge them is the first step to understanding and controlling them.
Join the Eternalist movement, the philosophy that is truly PRO-HAPPINESS and endorses the right to personal choices through the search for knowledge.