Thursday, December 3, 2020

Putting the SALVE back in SALVATION.

 William S. Burroughs famously wrote "Language is a virus from outer space," and for YEARS I had no idea what that meant. But if we define language as the intelligence which allows our minds to represent things by symbols, then we might ask ourselves where the symbol ends and the 'real' begins. We could say 'When I touch it, or when I see it,' but is the 'felt' and the 'seen' just a matter of neuron interpretations, an imbedded language in the brain? As for 'outer space' we could reference the mysterious 'dark matter' as the line where we differentiate outer space from inner space. I hope this doesn't drive anyone insane.

We can excuse the myth-based religions for enlisting the power of our imaginations for a type of 'salvation'. I've always asked 'salvation from what?' Well, from insanity, the most prevalent and diverse of maladies. Growing up, I noticed that everyone is broken in one way or another. Everyone is peculiar in ways that are alien to others. Eternalism is not a cure, but it can equal the others as a 'salve' (as in salvation) by embracing the deeper meanings of Time, especially its never-ending quality. All things must pass. Time demands it.

Time Eternal has another saying, not often recognized; 'All things must pass, and all things return.'