Saturday, August 28, 2021

Why I haven't posted lately.

     I started exploring the concept of taking Eternalism from a personal to a social concept about ten years ago, and since then it could be said that it ahs become an obsession. This in retrospect was both unfortunate and necessary. The Modern Eternalist concept was expanding within me, through experience, meditation and a great deal of discussion with those genuinely interested and those who thought the ideas were insane, blasphemous or just plain silly. That was anticipated though.

     In this last decade Eternalism has grown within me to an extraordinary way of thinking and style of life. Its potential is both as a path to a positive outlook on life and a personal conduit to success how ever one perceives it. For example, simply realizing the difference between finite and infinite programs is one of many ways to enable empathy within yourself and others. As I discovered this and other associated ideas, I incorporated them both in my own thought patterns and in discussions with those newly exposed to Eternalism.

   Yet recently I've encountered obstacles to the onward and upward direction of Eternity. Life changes, not unsurmountable yet tedious, have slowed this locomotive. I'm talking more than just the pandemic (damn Pan!), I won't bore you with details, but I'll give you a glimpse; threats of eviction partly due to religious persecution ( a TOTAL misunderstanding of Eternalism), a metabolism slowdown due to a collapsed widow-maker heart valve, and a comp that stalls when most needed.

     I'm sure you understand. Please stay tuned because the path, which has always been right in front of you, has expanded into the sky, into the cosmos, and is is about to be taken.