Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Coming To The Positive Conclusion When Meditating On Eternity.

I've said before that meditating on Eternity will make one a better human being. That has not changed. It's still my conclusion based on my own research and experiences. AND this is NOT a denial of that conclusion, it is an expansion in order to compensate the philosophies of Nihilism, Satanism and too often, atheism. 

ETERNITY MEDITATIONS will NOT turn you into a WORSE human being, yet your moral code, such as it is, MAY stagnate, for whatever personal reasons. If anyone ever uses this in a court of law, as an excuse for behavior that damages other humans for whatever reasons, they first of all will have done it wrong, OR they haven't meditated at all and are lying about it as their excuse for bad and damaging behavior.

So, what happens when one meditates on Eternity? In a word, "opens". In another word, "broadens". And in yet another word, "exhilarates". 

And that last one, exhilaration, can and probably WILL touch all bases within you.  Love, Bliss, Happiness, Beauty, Peace and Passion, to name but a few of the positive sensations you might experience. These lead easily to being more generous, more caring, and more grateful to LIFE ITSELF. And that, my beautiful friends, will make us all better human beings.

(from 'Time Is Alive; the First Book of the Eternalist Bible)

For your wall only;

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