Monday, October 28, 2024


 Dreams, etc., Friday morning wake up to insect hallucinations, visual not physical until my sudden traumatic reaction. Got to my dream journal in time to capture the broadest of details. It happened in split seconds. Waking up to a lone spider, about two inches wide, right at the side of the bed. I swatted. Amazed then, that it hadn't been real. Recalled that the spider had sat on a metal pipe, like in plumbing, and there were no metal pipes in my room. Then twice, happening in different but similar ways - a larger spider, then two larger octopus-type spiders, slithering on the other side of the bed. Later in the day, a sense that someone is watching me,... someone who knows what this insect business is all about.

R & D donations for AHS

Asian Heat Syndrome (AHS) is merely in the concept phase at this point, but it is an excellent, doable idea that deserves a chance to become a reality, even if only psychologically. 

What if... when we die our eyes become invisible, and they rise out of our bodies and into the sky at whatever pace we find happiest? Where the Earth far below no longer rules us with her gravity?
My beloved cat Vladimir has died, and I detected such a movement by him several times after his death, a free spirit, no longer constrained by the beliefs of the body - pure spirit again.

What if,... our invisible eyes go wherever they want? What would they want?

Eventually the Eternalist Concept will affect everyone as a social understanding, not necessarily as a religion. But we will still need Temples for refuge and UNITY. Temples of Music and Joy.