Monday, January 27, 2025


A parable. 

I don't believe in fiction. That is, that it doesn't exist. 

One of my Mentors, the Metaphysician Russell Thomas, often said, "Thoughts are things."

In my song 'Broken Dolls', I wrote one verse,
"She may be near, she may be far, boys.
She may surrender to the MOVEMENTS of the stars, boys."
I sometimes would sing, "She may surrender to the MUSIC of the stars, boys."
Both words are correct and can be used as desired. I was thinking of SPACE (movement)
and TIME (music). DEATH is the 'surrender' to Space and Time.

The theme of the song is Beauty.

I've always been a fan of beauty, probably always will be. There is so much of it in the world right now it's a pity how it never lasts for long. I'm talking about true beauty, not just personal taste. We all know it when we see it, but we don't always acknowledge it to others. Social graces. Sometimes I'm in favor of them.

I'll say it again.

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