The Eternalist Bible; The book in English.
Pieces of it have been started throughout the last decade or so, depending on when you want to decide which of my philosophical writings have been Eternalist. It's not unlikely also that many of my memes have been Eternalist.
The important thing is that there is now a solid plan in my life for making the Time to finish it. The goal is May 30th, 2023. I'll be in full-time retirement starting in April and devote five hours every day to its completion. Unless of course, I'm a lazy sod. It's happened before.
Yet I will defend the projects throughout my life that have had to be put aside indefinitely for one reason or another. Really, it never was 'another', it was always one reason only; money. I'd always start projects, like the Crowley musical; The Beast, or my novel 'The Divine Tyranny Of Beauty', or the recording prospects of the bands I created when I lived in San Francisco; The Living Daylights and Mr. E And The Necromantics, with the notion that once it was noticed, patrons would come forth with bankrolls. Don't get me wrong, MANY people have come forward donating their time, energy, and resources throughout my life as an artist, and to them I am extremely, one might say 'eternally' grateful. I suppose I was always looking for something greater to continue these projects. I hope this does not give ammo to those who make me out to be a flake. I'm not a flake. I've always worked, often at a half dozen projects at a Time. I haven't stopped working at creating ideas since I was,... hard to pick an age,... sometime before I knew words,