Sunday, April 16, 2023

I enjoy the hypnogogic state. And I learn from it.

      How about you?

     Those moments between awake and asleep,... as a dream explorer since I was about 17, I have had experiences within that state of consciousness worth paying good mind to, And I've kept a dream journal from time to time, once continuously for about 6 months. I called it 'The Third', pertaining to the approximate degree of time we spend asleep. 

    Lately, which is to say the last few years, my hypnogogic state has become more focused, clear and perhaps more 'realistic' than my dream life. So much so that at times I've wondered if that direction may be dangerous, leading perhaps to delusion or madness.

     About a year ago I started seeing environments in the HS, inside of my closed eyes. It was very much like I was present, often in a field, and at other times on a country road, or in a well-lived in house, usually a place strange to me. but sometimes with a feeling of nostalgia. 

     Then it began that people, or maybe they were people-ish beings, were standing in front of me, silent. Clear as if I saw it when woke. Sometimes alien-like with what seemed to be helmets or masks. This graphic is as close as I could describe the feeling of their presence.

    • Shades of 60's Hollywood sci-fi, right? I have no belief in aliens from other planets. I have no disbelief of it either. All I know for certain is that I get very strong impressions when I'm in a hypnogogic state.

The Gemma and Docti Experience Is Not For Everyone.

      People coming into an Eternalist organization have a choice; They can keep their names in the group or take the names Gemma or Docti. These two names are symbols of feminine and masculine identities. This can seem like a game, or you could always take the identity with you if you wish.

    'Gemma' is attracted to Docti and Docti is attracted to Gemma. 
     OR, Gemma is attracted to another Gemma,
     OR, Docti is attracted to Docti.
     You see where this is going?

     A Gemma or a Docti may be attracted to Tattoo Art, such as I have done. This is one I would pursued newly realized Eternalists who are playing the 'Gemma Docti' game to get.

      The first one may be free if you attend an Eternalist party.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

No matter how fast you move, Time stays the same.

 You've fixed some goals in your head. You haven't told anyone. Because these goals are precious to you, you don't want to be bothered by others' opinions or input. Yet. You feel there's still planning to do before you are prepared to talk about it. 

In your mind you may build a timeline for yourself, to be aware of how much time it would take to succeed. Two months? Two years? You'll be surprised at how much time it would take, so you vow to accomplish it sooner. With many things, quality takes time.

And you also want to have time with your friends. When Eternalists think of the future, we think of unlimited time. Just not with the same body. So we seek to know our body's restrictions; how far can we go without killing it, 

The Eternalists think about the compromises they must take for their friends.

Family is different.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Looking into a clear night sky is best. Though it can be done anywhere.


As you may be aware, the night sky above and near cities and towns reflects the lights' glare, making the stars less visible, so you may want to travel to some remote location. Again though, it can be done in a snowstorm, tornado or crowded bus. 

Sit, and allow your mind to be unfocused gently from any tensions or worries you have had recently. Dismiss them for your time of contemplating Eternity. Then address deeper worries and anxieties; traits within yourself that have become habitual – dismiss them – they do not define you. Find yourself floating up, freely into the sky. As you feel it your eyes close.

What happens next is very personal. You think about Eternity, at first in a clear, very conscious way, but then soon your mind wonders. Your mind is allowed to move in many directions at once. Deep inside your unconscious mind is running through Time and Space, casually shooting ideas and thoughts at you, through you as if it were smoke and your body was made of air. Snapshots of the past, recent and ancient, snippets of conversations,...

You allow yourself to be on a mental journey. You may follow your meditation for at least 20 minutes. At least once a day. 

I leave you at this moment – you are on your own. 

You will notice changes within two weeks. You will become calmer, more empathetic, and more accepting of the goodwill in others and yourself. I don't say this merely to be altruistic, I say it because it is the natural path that all Time, which is Eternal Time, takes.  

Life recreates itself, and it uses Time to do it.