How about you?
Those moments between awake and asleep,... as a dream explorer since I was about 17, I have had experiences within that state of consciousness worth paying good mind to, And I've kept a dream journal from time to time, once continuously for about 6 months. I called it 'The Third', pertaining to the approximate degree of time we spend asleep.
Lately, which is to say the last few years, my hypnogogic state has become more focused, clear and perhaps more 'realistic' than my dream life. So much so that at times I've wondered if that direction may be dangerous, leading perhaps to delusion or madness.
About a year ago I started seeing environments in the HS, inside of my closed eyes. It was very much like I was present, often in a field, and at other times on a country road, or in a well-lived in house, usually a place strange to me. but sometimes with a feeling of nostalgia.
Then it began that people, or maybe they were people-ish beings, were standing in front of me, silent. Clear as if I saw it when woke. Sometimes alien-like with what seemed to be helmets or masks. This graphic is as close as I could describe the feeling of their presence.
- Shades of 60's Hollywood sci-fi, right? I have no belief in aliens from other planets. I have no disbelief of it either. All I know for certain is that I get very strong impressions when I'm in a hypnogogic state.