Thursday, September 28, 2023

New Symbol for Eternalist Individuals.


This means self. The Eternalist Self, the Individual. Followed by the original Eternalist design (sometimes referred to as 'Chrysalis'), which now should also have the meaning of community. The Eternalist community. 

Community in Eternalism is more important than the individual, in the sense that more than one individual together with a common cause is more able to articulate Eternalism to others, and to maintain and expand their own understanding of Eternalism through intelligent communication.

Both are under common copywrite pending trademark registry. All use of these symbols in an Eternalist manner is allowed by the public. However, if the use of these symbols is applied to a social-political context in strong opposition to kindness and reason (such as nazis or armed insurrectionists), we shall petition them to stop the reuse and misuse of our symbols, under penalty of law.

And together; 

Thursday, September 21, 2023


      Something almost unthinkable is about to happen, yet VERY FEW people will notice.

     Here's what it is; SANITY will be called INSANITY and INSANITY will be called SANITY. They will switch places. And instead of being medical and mental terms, they will be considered SOCIAL TERMS and measures of general acceptance.

     Another way of putting it will be that normal and abnormal will change places as far as fashion, gender and culture are concerned. You've seen evidence of this already, haven't you? You've even turned your mind around a bit. That's alright. It's okay, and its mostly NOT a bad thing. If I say to you that simply NATURE adjusting to the imperatives of human survival instincts. 

     Overpopulation wouldn't be bad thing if we had a bigger world. And if we'd arranged our economic systems so that they were NOT based on time-limited FINITE profit schemes. If we had NOT invested our children's lives in a poisoned planet. If we had chosen education over war. And if we had taken a WORLDLY VIEW rather than the myopic, self-righteous NATIONALISTIC view. 

     The NEW ERA that's coming won't be terrible, but there will be struggles, BIRTH PAINS.

     It would be best to pay attention to what the Eternalists are doing. Perhaps become one yourself...