Friday, November 10, 2023

Meditation - The HOUR of UNDERSTANDING.


Take an hour off - from everything. Give yourself a specific hour when all the rush and decisions you've had to make go away. Mine is 10PM, but Sundays I do it at 9AM. I'll explain more about that later.

     For now, YOUR hour can be whatever you choose. During the hour you will be thinking of things OTHER THAN all the things you have felt you MUST think of. The things that are anxious and bothersome and seemingly unsolvable. You'll let that go. You will feel relaxed and at peace, and your mind will be going to new places, places filled with understanding rather than combat.

     You will be tranquil enough to allow your mind to wander in IMAGE instead of language. Because language is words, words, words, forcing you into decisions you're not ready to make. BUT DON'T I HAVE TO MAKE THOSES DECISIONS NOW?! No, you don't. Not in this hour. This hour is freedom from all that. 

     I don't have to tell you where to do the meditation or how to sit in a relaxing, symmetrical position. You already know. You've thought about it. It's not in front of the TV or any screen because you know that will be a distraction. You're thinking about it now. You once looked down and thought to yourself what a relaxing place that would be. If it's within your vision right now, look at it. Look at the space. If not in view, get the mental image of it in your mind. Now, give it to yourself. It is yours. You can look forward to your hour of understanding.

Create your space where there will be the fewest factors will You know what they are.
Sit. Close your eyes. Feel the air flowing in and out of yourself. Breathe deeply and gradually slow your breath. Focus then on the insides of your eyelids.

Look for images on the insides of your eyelids. You may focus on it if you please, yet allow it to come and go with the flow of the light movement on your eyelids. 

These illustrations are examples of the type of thing I often see. You can use this if you like, and if it makes it easier the first time.

Next, in all Eternalist meditations I do, I try to imagine the unending immensity of Time and Space.
Then, think of yourself as a child, your mind then, learning from each day's experiences. Don't focus on specific memories. Avoid memory altogether. 
Watch the lights drifting, forming and reforming. Feel your vision moving toward the top of your head. feeling as if your eyes are up there. Isn't that incredibly restful?

An image in this skyscape inside your eyelids gets your attention. 

You follow it.

Out of your head.

From here you're on your own. Your mind will go free range. Where it goes will be something beyond our individual consciousness.   It is a place where all Knowledge is and is shared.


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